Project TriStar considers education second only to the basic necessities that support human life. To Project TriStar, education is not simply the process of going to school for twelve, sixteen, or eighteen years of a persons life, but rather the continuous learning on every level of conscious and human existence from how to talk and walk, to learning how to use energy to heal and manifest our experiences.
For most of our lives and for generations before us, we have learned only a fraction of our true potential. The Project TriStar community is devoted to helping each member of the community develop whatever personal skills and gifts they have yet to realize in their lives. The term "personal skills" meaning that each and every person has grown through unique experiences, has a unique conscious understanding of those experiences, and unique skills and gifts.
To Project TriStar, the goal of life and the community is to achieve the highest possible levels of conscious evolution through personal education, also known as "experiential learning".
What is experiential learning?

In the most basic terms, experiential learning occurs whenever the consciousness has an experience. This can be a thought, dream, action, smell, or through any other senses known to the consciousness.
All learning and experience begins with information. That information can be in any internal or external form including: thoughts, dreams, actions, reading, hearing, and sensing. Our consciousness processes information at every moment in time whether we are awake or asleep and even if we are unaware of that process. At some point the information becomes assimilated by the consciousness in perspective to all other experiences. Once assimilated, that information becomes a useful component in processing new experiences and making new choices. The learning comes from application of the new conscious understanding through real life experiences and determining if that understanding is reflected by those experiences.
Therefore, in summary, experiential learning means being exposed to information, assimilating that information consciously, and then having experiences through which the information becomes useful in personal development. This definition may sound unique to some, yet it is simply one representation of the "infinity of life".
Education Methodology:

Project TriStar believes that education is eternal and is one of the most important purpose for human existence. Without it, mankind becomes stagnant and stops creating, but with it, mankind opens to the potential and possibility of anything and everything. The goal is to create an education system that promotes a combination of spiritual and practical education for adults and children of all ages. The curriculum for these educational programs is part of the Project TriStar Membership Handbook.
The Project TriStar community is designed for those who are consciously awake and on a path of conscious acceleration, spiritual growth, self-realization, and self-healing. As the Project TriStar community embodies all of these concepts and more, we consider education to be of paramount importance at any age level. To facilitate such a grand educational concept, Project TriStar has adopted the Waldorf Methodology, developed by Rudolf Steiner, as a foundation for early development.
Project TriStar will not include a detailed description of the Waldorf or Steiner-Waldorf Education methodology here as there are many sites that are dedicated to this educational system. To compliment the Waldorf Education methodology, Project TriStar applies daily focus on the nurturing of individual gifts and talents.

In addition to the primary education needs for young people, Project TriStar understands the importance of developing skills that support and advance the community functions and operations. To this goal, Project TriStar utilizes the education style of apprenticeships.
The apprenticeship methodology is known to be one of the most affective forms of developing practical world skill sets which are necessary to maintain any community. These skill sets can include any and every community need from the physical to metaphysical. In any community, these skill sets may include: food production, food preparation, woodworking, metallurgy, plumbing, naturopathy, and fabrication.
The Project TriStar apprenticeship program is facilitated much the same as that of work assignments. Before an apprenticeship is assigned, the education committee reviews the applicants educational interests, any prior experiences, natural aptitude, and personal preference. This means that apprentice applicants will have the opportunity to develop skills that achieve the goal of experiential learning while participating on a higher level in the community development, maintenance, and advancement.
All apprentice assignments are monitored regularly to ensure the assignment and apprentice remain in harmony with each other. If, for any reason, an apprentice feels their choice in assignments no longer meets with their interests, they may request to be reassigned to another apprentice opportunity. Since the goal is to develop skills that are useful to the member and the community, the education committee will utilize all available information to ensure the member is nurtured and assisted in their long-term development goals.
Extended Education:
As far as Project TriStar is concerned, education is eternal. As such, members have the opportunity to explore, enhance, and develop virtually any interest or skill they possess or desire. This is facilitated through a variety of curricula that include all or any combination of mind, body, and spirit experiential learning. These curricula are designed to build of a foundation of what is perceived to be real and natural for the advancement of the individual and community and to explore and expand into the realms of the unknown.