The success of any community depends on the ability of the community members to live, work, and play together. The manner in which any community functions is a direct reflection of how affective the community members function. In other words, in order to achieve success at the community level, the community members must also be working towards achieving fulfillment on a personal level.
Project TriStar understands this relationship and has designed the community lifestyle, operations, and activities around the concept that if the individual members find inner fulfillment, then the community achieves fulfillment. This means that it's important for each member to have access to work and play activities that provide them with conscious stimulation, as well as a sense of personal satisfaction.

If you look at sustainable communities throughout history, you find that the majority of community efforts are expended on the daily living needs of building, planting, growing, harvesting, and fabricating items that are used within the community. People in those communities spent most of their waking moments working to ensure they would have food on the table, clothes to wear, and shelter over their heads. They found fulfillment, exercise, and play in these efforts. In those communities, life was not as casual or excessive as it has become in modern society.
The ultimate goal of a spiritually awakened being is to find fulfillment no matter what they are doing; no matter how small, insignificant, or redundant the task may seem. This is a conscious gift and represents the art of living in the moment. Project TriStar's entire lifestyle model is founded on helping each community member achieve these goals on a personal level. In other words, when work is harmonious with ones lifestyle, then a person can find meaning and fulfillment in virtually any task.

Of course, every community has tasks that are necessities and must be completed daily in order for the community to sustain and survive. Then there are tasks that are not absolute necessities, but that help to ensure an easier transition in the future, and still there are other tasks that are for the social harmony and well being of the community consciousness.
A community or society is primarily a group of people who are organized to effectively solve the everyday issues that allow the community to get from one day to the next and beyond. If even the simplest task is not completed, the community falls behind and decay begins. Therefore, it's essential that community members treat their work assignment as important for the greatest good of all.
We live in a world where all forms of action are required to sustain any lifestyle. Although some actions may be more physical than others, they all require effort. Every single task within a community is equal and important to achieving sustainability while maintaining individual and community harmony is essential for a healthy and fulfilling existence. As such, each task, no matter how small or how large, is honored and respected within the community.

Project TriStar understands that each member of the community has specific gifts that benefit the community and that a members true gifts may have nothing to do with their prior lifestyle, education, or past choice of employment. Even statistics show that one third of the population ends up working in a field that is completely different from their educational background.
The goal of the Project TriStar community experience is to help each community member realize their true gift and full potential no matter what their previous background. In some cases, this may already be realized, however, in every case this pursuit provides the adventure of a lifetime.
Work assignments are determined by the membership committee who takes into account the member education, previous work experience, personal preference, and community needs analysis. This means that most members may receive a work assignment that relates, at least partially, to some skill they have developed before entering the community. Since the Project TriStar community will not be maintaining many of the systems and beliefs of current social structures, it is also true that some of what members had learned in society will have little to no use in the community.

Initial work assignments in the Project TriStar community will build on known and existing skills that have relevance to the community operations. From there, work assignments may change from time to time in order to help each member expand and achieve a greater level of fulfillment and balance.
As time goes on, it's important for members to maintain a well rounded experience that includes physical exercise, intellectual stimulation, and spiritual evolution. In other words, it's important to the entire community that each member find their inner balance between mind, body, and spirit. Besides achieving balance and fulfillment, the goal of work assignments are to help each member realize their highest purpose, as well as to develop and master their gifts.
For most members, this may include working in a variety of assignments concurrently or sequentially as needs and interests of the community and member change. This means that members experience work assignment that provide a combination of physical, intellectual, and spiritual activities within the tolerance of their specific circumstances. It is also intended that each member have the opportunity to participate in individual work assignments and group assignments.
Work assignments in the Project TriStar community are necessary, yet voluntary. No one is going to force a member to perform a task, for this concept is futile in the spiritual sense. Voluntary work assignments are only possible if members are mature and responsible, want to grow and expand to their highest potential, and want to help the community maintain it's sustainability. Ultimately, this means that each member must make a choice to operate in service to others rather than in service to self. Self importance has no place in a conscious community environment founded on the principals of co-creation.

Besides participating in the community education system, children of appropriate age are also provided work assignments. Although this is considered natural and expected in many cultures, for those coming from a present day socioeconomic system, this may sound unusual. Project TriStar feels that it's important to help children develop responsibility, interpersonal skills, and work ethics at an early age. In addition to utilizing the Waldorf Education System developed by Rudolf Steiner, the Project Tristar education model is one of apprenticeship.
In order to operate any sustainable community for long-term success, there needs to be a gradual and eventual replacement in the skilled labor force. This means that young people must be prepared to take over maintenance of the community functions, solve problems, and develop next generation ideas for every community operation. Work assignments for children are defined suing the same criteria as adults. By evaluating the child's natural gifts, understanding their interests, and finding something within the community operation that is appropriate for their level of ability and maturity. In all cases, children are supervised while on work assignment.
Just as Project TriStar has described the community economic model as compassionate consumption, the community work ethic can best be described as mutual or compassionate cooperation. The embodiment of work assignments in the Project TriStar community project involves voluntary lifestyle balance. This means that each member voluntarily participates in work assignments to support the community needs while participating in personal activities as time permits.
Skill sets are necessary, desired, and important for any community to function and flourish, however, there is no predefined requirement or discrimination based on an applicant's existing skills. Community members are assisted, as needed, in developing skills that may be required for the care, operation, and maintenance of the community or in relationship to their gifts and spiritual quests.
Through the member application, interview, and orientation process, a member’s skills, work experience, and interests are evaluated. The membership committee then discusses the work assignment options with the member to mutually determine the member’s contribution to the community. These work assignments are not intended to be permanent.